General F.A.Q.'s

BenefitScape offers a full selection of services to every client. We offer consulting services, Form 1095-C printing and mailing, e-Filing to the IRS, error remediation, and 226J penalty assessment. In addition, we guarantee our support in the case of IRS audits and marketplace inquiries.
There are several key deadlines to keep in mind: Form 1095-B/C is due to employees by January 31, 2018, and the e-Filing deadline, required by employers with more than 250 FT employees, is due March 31, 2018.

We’ll work with you to file accurate results ahead of the IRS’ deadlines. Due to the tight schedule of ACA Reporting deadlines, our process will take between 2-3 weeks per client.
If the client is Fully Insured, we need basic employee data and benefits enrolment data.

If the client is Self-Insured, we need basic employee data and benefits enrolment data, including data on all dependents who have Health coverage.
The cost for each Client depends on the services they require and the complexity they bring to the assignment. Our low overhead allows us to position ourselves competitively. After speaking with the Client, we will provide a firm quote for the services requested.

As the brand leader in ACA Compliance, we’re pleased to offer affordable solutions for every client. There are many ACA Compliance providers available; we’ve done our research and offer the highest levels of reporting and Compliance at an affordable price point.
If you wish us to contact the client directly and introduce ourselves, you can simply send them an email with a copy to We will take over from there and keep you informed.

Alternatively, before we get started discussing a solution with your client, we will schedule a call with you to go over the ACA Reporting process and get some background on the client. Following the call, we will contact the client via email and keep you in the loop. A proposed solution will be provided to both you and your client and the reporting process for Tax Year 2017 will proceed.